51 Days Hug & Kiss FREE!

Hersheys-Kiss-HugsToday is a very proud day for me.  I realized it has been 51 days since I have had a Hershey’s Hug or Kiss!  Now to the average person you may be thinking…WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL?!  Well glad you asked because I am going to tell you.  I want you to think of an addict of any kind.  Now think about them quiting whatever they are addicted to for 51 days straight.  Big deal huh?  

Seriously I was addicted to these little hugs and kisses.  To the point I would eat up to an entire bag a day and 4-6 bags a week, all by myself!  They hid easily behind things in the fridge, in the console of my car and in the back of the cupboard.  Believe it or not here we are 51 days later and I am still finding the little wrappers!  Seriously, do ya think I had a problem?

We all know I have not been perfect in the 51 days on this weight loss journey.  There have been to many days I took Angie’s Skrewitol pills, but I have not had 1 hug or kiss.  Don’t think it has not crossed my mind because it has, especially the day they were on sale and I could have bought 2 bags for the price of 1.  What I have learned is that I am Super Woman Strong!  This is something that I cannot believe I have done.  It feels damn good!  What feels even better is that I do not even crave them.  I am craving things like celery with laughing cow cheese and turkey. 

I have conquered this addiction!  I know better than to try just one because I recognize it is a problem for me.  Today I am a true believer that if you can get past the point of craving something you will forget about it and it will get better and easier to stay away from.  This is a good day, they day I won part of a battle and do not feel like I have to keep fighting!

A Hug and Kiss Free Shannon


Filed under Fabulous thoughts of Shannon, Food Stuff, Hersheys Chronicles

11 responses to “51 Days Hug & Kiss FREE!

  1. Yeah!! That is a freaking major accomplishment! You GO girl!

  2. Val

    Thanks for the motivation!!! And congratulations 🙂 What an awesome accomplishment

  3. aperfectversionofmyself

    Great job! That’s a real accomplishment to avoid your trigger foods for that long!

  4. Jessica

    That’s great news, but also remember to give into your cravings every once in awhile, because if you don’t and you get that chance to eat that craving you will go crazy eating it and take in far to many calories. Also sometimes when we have a craving we try to substitute it for so many other things that we end up eating more calories then what the original craving was!!

    Giving up chocolate is hard, you GO!!!!!

  5. Congrats, that is great! I personally don’t like Hershey’s chocolate, at least not the regular kind. But most other chocolate I love.

  6. That is fabulous! And you’re right, it makes about as much sense for you to have one now that it would for a person who stopped smoking 7 weeks ago to have a cigarette! Stay strong!

  7. Proof positive that you grow stronger every day. It takes special effort to find a food trigger, understand it, and then overcome it.

    Another milestone on your journey. Congrats and Way to Go!

  8. A true accomplishment! Congrats:-)

  9. Keri

    WOW!!! You go girly! Keep up the GREAT work!
    I quit smoking cigarettes 45 days ago today, which is why I decided now was a great time to get my butt movin and lose some weight!! Its been 2 weeks, so far so good, hope I can stick with it!!

  10. That’s a huge amount of progress! Go you! I’m pretty sure that conquering food addictions is one of the most difficult challenges to overcome.

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