Category Archives: Fabulous Friend Post Swap

Big things coming our way!


This page is under construction.  Please visit us at our blog until we get things up and running! 

We are very excited for what is coming our way in the near future!  This journey has introduced us to so many wonderful people and opened up some very cool opportunities.  We are in the process of setting up our new website, EXCITING!  The sooner we can understand all of this techy stuff the sooner it will be up.  We want to say thanks to everyone who has and is helping us with this.  We could not do it without all of you!

In this transition we are planning on adding many things to our site.  Here are a few things we are thinking about:

  •  Food and product reviews  * Ask us to try something out, we will try it and give our report.
  •  Utah restaurant and health related business reviews. *We need UTAH places and suggestions, please send them our way.
  • Video blogging *This will take some work but we will figure it out 😉
  •  Fabulous Deals Store *What would you like to see in it? Clothing, accessories, jewelry, food?  Let us know!
  • Dear Fab Fattie section *You can ask a question and we will answer kind of like Dear Abby but with us instead, lol.
  • More Fab Fattie Challenges, YAY!  *Prizes needed to do this more often if you want to contribute let us know.

 All of this revolves around YOUR INPUT so we are looking at suggestions from YOU!  Please leave us ideas and what you would like to see in the comment section.  We want this to be a joint effort so the end result is FABULOUS!

We have some upcoming events that we would love for you to listen to:

  • Starting July 3rd we will be guests on a weekly podcast with our new friends on twitter they are @CELEBSIDEDISHand you can catch their podcast HERE 
  • We are going to be on Power Women Magazine’s radio show on July 21st.
  • We will be a guest on Debra Mazda’s radio show…date to be determined.

This is all very humbling and we really are thrilled to have the opportunities that this journey has opened up.  Please continue to let us know your thoughts and opinions we love them! 

XO Shannon & Angie

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Filed under Fabulous Friend Post Swap, Fabulous Friend Spotlights

Fabulous Friend Post Swap

Today we are swapping posts with our Fabulous Friend Elisa.  We met her on twitter and she is training to run.  She is documenting her progress on her website A Question Of Perspective She is fun and witty and we are so glad to have met her.  This is one of our favorite posts of  hers.  You really should go to her site and follow her on twitter @edelbonis to see how she is training…We may even try it out ourselves 🙂  Thanks Elisa for sharing with us today!

Running Meltdown

May 8th, 2009 by Elisa DelBonis Discuss this article »

by Sheffield Tiger via Flickr

So the other day, Megan, who is lovely and wonderful, and a WAY better, more-in-shape athlete than I, said she’d run with me.

Fun, right? Nope. I had a complete and total meltdown. Like in the middle of it. I mean a freak out.

We ran next to each other on the treadmill at the gym once, and that was ok, because I didn’t put a whole bunch of pressure on myself to keep up. I mean, she’s a runner, and I’m fat and out of shape… trying not to be, but still… pretty much so.

So we headed out the back door to run on the path behind the house, and I was ok for a bit.

Until the freak-out.

About 1/2 way through, just when I’m looking like I’m going to die (but I usually can’t see myself through someone else’s eyes, so I just FEEL like I want to die) she looks at me and sees my distress and asks if I’m ok.

Nice of her, right?

One might think the appropriate response would be to say no but yes… keep going.

No, my response was to throw a tantrum about her unrealistic expectations of me.

Hello, project much?

That was the end of that day’s run. We walked home. And she’s incredibly patient and wonderful for not throwing my ass into the ravine.

So today, fresh and ready to run again (alone) I’ll do Week 4 Day 3 of the C25K.

I suppose a tantrum of some fashion to be expected. I mean, I’m having a complete life overhaul. Diet, exercise, moving across the country… you know, small stuff…

Anyway… onward!

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Filed under Diet Buddy, Fabulous Friend Post Swap

Fabulous Friend Post Swap

Today we have another guest blog post.  This one is from our FABULOUS friend Vanessa.  She is on a weightloss journey just like us and she has a blog to document her journey.  For us this journey takes a group effort and thanks to all of the wonderful people like Vanessa we are having great success.  You can follow Vanessa on twitter under @nessapaige make sure to follow her blog as well by clicking here.  Thanks for sharing your blog post with us Vanessa!

How I see myself

I was supposed to write this over the weekend but had no chance. Here goes:

When I was 17 and 135 pounds I thought I was perfectly built. I felt fantastic about myself, might have liked to have a bigger chest but I never lacked for attention. I felt gorgeous and happy with my physical appearance. I maintained my weight and never exercised or watched what I ate.

10 years later at 27 and I was 160 pounds with a much larger chest (natural) and feel like dirt. I’ve got a jelly belly and I feel enormous. I still get attention but I no longer feel good about me. I think everyone is lying to me when they say I look great but maybe if I walked a bit the flab would firm and I’d feel better.

Today…Oh god today. I’m 30 years old right now. I’m approximately 225 pounds and looking back on the old me I realize that in high school I was far too skinny. I had no idea what I really looked like even then. I looked in the mirror and saw a pretty girl but I didn’t see that I really looked sickly. My wrists were so thin that a child’s watch was nearly too big and my hip bones stuck out. I may have been cute but I was not the picture of health I believed myself to be. At 160 I was not ideal either, mostly because I didn’t properly take care of my body. I smoked, drank a ton of pop, NEVER exercised. I truly think that if I had chosen to exercise at that point in my life like I do now I would have been able to attain the ideal body for me which may have been at the same weight but much more tone. Today I realize I don’t see myself like I really am. I know a girl who is approximately the same size as I am but I see her as much smaller than me. If I had to venture a guess I would say that I probably see myself as about 50-75 pounds heavier than I really am. Why is that? I don’t want to get to my ideal weight and still see myself as fat/obese/overweight. I want to view myself correctly but don’t even know how.

Today I don’t smoke, drink no pop and limit my tea. I’m walking and exercising almost every day. I have big plans for myself and I am feeling good about me but I just can’t help but see more than is really there. I can’t even begin to understand why I can’t see me and not an overgrown version of me.

*If you are interested in doing a post swap let us know 🙂

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Filed under Diet Buddy, Fabulous Friend Post Swap, Fabulous Friend Spotlights

Fabulous Friends Of The Day

Today our Fabulous Friend Post Swap is with our crazy friends the Random Anorexics.  Don’t panic they are being very sarcastic.  That’s why we love them so much!  They like us are in a battle with weight and express it in the most hilarious ways.  Note to you…yes you reading this.  If you are to serious then sorry you probably won’t like their stuff and FYI they are potty mouths…Again another reason we find them so fabulous.  To visit their site click here    Also if you would like to do a post swap let us know!

Random Anorexics Know Best

The most obvious advice we can give to a person trying not to be fat — and one that Skinny Lady and I forget to follow on occasion — is to stay away from places that sell food when you’re hungry. Following are some examples as to what may occur should you fail to comply:

  • You eat a blini (a Russian crepe) from a farmer’s market for lunch. Then you stop by Whole Foods on the way home and buy a falafel wrap and eat that for lunch too.
  • Your husband finds you in the bread aisle at the grocery store 25 minutes after sending you there. You can’t decide on just one loaf and would have bought three if Skinny Man didn’t show up.
  • You impulsively buy fattening food and snacks and then impulsively eat them at home just to get it out of your sight.
  • You wake up early on a Monday morning and ask your husband to make you french toast with the pumpkin walnut bread you stupidly purchased the day before when you went to the market hungry.



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Fabulous Friend Post Swap


This is something New that we thought about.  We have so many Fabulous Friends that have awesome websites and blogs.  We thought it would be fun to “Post Swap”.  We choose our favorite post of yours and you choose your favorite post of ours to share.  If you want to participate in this just let us know.  It is a great way to showcase all of the Fabulous people who are helping us on our journey!

Today we are swapping with our friend from twitter KCLAnderson.  Just like us she is fighting the fat and winning!  She has so many awesome posts on her site it was hard to choose but the following post is the one we chose to swap today.  To visit her site click here  We can all learn something if we dare to let ourselves bloom!

Hello Opened Eyes!

Written by Karen on March 27, 2009 – 11:14 am


“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tightly closed in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to bloom.” – Anais Nin

I was reminded of this quote when, as I walked along Ocean Avenue towards the beach, I saw a flower blooming – the first one I’ve seen this year.

I remember what it felt like when I took the risk to bloom. I also remember the pain of remaining tightly closed in a bud. Recently I’ve been more like half closed bud and half bloom…not sure what I want.

On a more practical note, earlier this week I commited myself to counting/logging my calories at at least six days a week. Eating intuitively and mindfully is a wonderful thing, but I need to re-discover what that really means and I think the only way to do it is to get it down on (cyber) paper. It’s also a small way for me to get over my fear of, and resistance to, setting a goal. Funny thing, I recently read that, in addition to being the Constitution State, Connecticut is also the Land of Steady Habits…hmmmm

Then a friend of mine put this oldy-but-goody out there: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)

And you know what? On my run, I realized that this is exactly what I was doing: eating the same old same old and expecting to lose weight. Now, one thing I have done is cut back and make better choices, but that is only enough to stop me from gaining – it’s not enough to get lighter! Hello opened eyes!!

That’s one of the reasons I love to run: it’s moving meditation, it’s opened eyes, it’s about what I can do, not what I can’t, it’s being in half bloom and being okay with it, it’s crying at the beauty of it all.

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Filed under Diet Buddy, Fabulous Friend Post Swap, Fabulous Friend Spotlights

Fabulous Friend Post Swap

This is something New that we thought about.  We have so many Fabulous Friends that have awesome websites and blogs.  We thought it would be fun to “Post Swap”.  We choose our favorite post of yours and you choose your favorite post of ours to share.  If you want to participate in this just send let us know.  It is a great way to showcase all of the Fabulous people who are helping us on our journey!

Today we are swapping with our friend from twitter  foodiemcbody.  Just like us she is fighting the fat and winning!  She has so many awesome posts on her site it was hard to choose but the following post is the one we chose to swap today.  To visit her site click here  I personally would claim, own and defend the size 8 status!  S

8 is the new 14

April 13, 2009
Filed under: body image, emotions, weight loss — Foodie McBody @ 12:32 pm
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Today’s post is about…clothes!!
I had a shocking and weird experience in a clothing store last week. I was checking out some jeans – I have really never had any “nice” jeans – just big, floppy “casual fit” Levi’s that sort of hung on me. The saleswoman came over and asked if she could help.  I said I probably needed a size 12.
I have worn pretty much a size 14 for the past 5-ish years, and before that, 12.  I have really never worn a size 10 in my adult memory, and NEVER anything in single digits.
She looked at me skeptically and said, “No way are you 12.” I said, “Yes way.” So she gave me a 12 and a 10. I went into the dressing room. The 12 was indeed, way big. The 10 fit pretty well. I was happy. I came out of the room. She appraised me and said, “You need an 8.” I started laughing hysterically. I said no. She shoved an 8 into my hands and thrust me back into the dressing room.  And… THEY FIT.
I didn’t buy them because I was in too much of a state of shock, and I also didn’t like how high the waist felt. They came up wayyy over my navel, which felt weird. So I didn’t get them. But I spent the rest of the day muttering to myself in disbelief, “I wear a size 8?!?!”
But I have remained dubious. My theory (not even a theory, it’s fact) is that clothing sizes have gone down, down, while remaining the same size.
And last night I proved it. I went on a romp through my closet, trying on everything I could. The good and crazy/happy news is that I could not find a SINGLE PIECE of clothing that doesn’t fit me because it’s too small. (several too big now) That was trippy. I mean really hard to even believe.
But I noticed that the OLDER that a piece of clothing was, the larger the size.
Finally, I found an old pair of shorts, maybe 15 years old. Tried them on. They fit me sort of snugly, but fit OK. JUST LIKE THE SIZE 8 JEANS in the store. I looked at the tag on the shorts. SIZE 14. I swear!!!!!!!
Another thing. I got married in a size 12 wedding dress. This was in 1988, 21 years ago. And guess what? I weighed 19 pounds LESS than I do now. There is no way that I could squeeze into that dress today. A size 12.
So, sizes have been shrinking while clothes stay the same. I find this incredibly annoying but of course I understand the marketing concept behind it. Women will be ecstatic to THINK they wear a size 8 when they are actually a 14 from 1988!! Ugh.
I really think they should abolish these arbitrary stupid sizes and just make everything the true number that it is, based on inches. Size 30. Size 35. Whatever.
If the numbers had stayed true to 1988, I would have probably been up to a size 20 or something, which would have alarmed me a lot earlier. But I think I felt like 14 was “bad, but not TOO bad” – ie I could still shop in “regular” instead of “plus sized” stores.
The whole thing is just weird. So while I am mildly excited to be fitting into those size 8 jeans, part of me knows it’s just bogus.


Filed under Diet Buddy, Fabulous Friend Post Swap, Fabulous Friend Spotlights