Daily Archives: May 3, 2009

Exercise Why?

2 years ago.  I want to be able to do another bike marathon this summer!

2 years ago. I want to be able to do another bike marathon this summer!

Exercise is definitely not my strong point.  I am not sure what the problem is because once I get “in the mode” I really enjoy it.  Having week 2 almost behind me I just realized I only exercised 1 day this week.  What happened, where did the week go?  It’s not that I did not think about it, because I did.  I had several bike rides planned, a couple of walks and even thought about dusting off the treadmill and bowflex.  So does thinking about it burn any calories?  Seriously I know the answer to that. If thinking about it burned calories I would be one hot mama!  With this being an issue my plan this week is to focus more on exercise.  It has also made me think about my WHY.  Why am I doing this?  Why do I need to change?  Why do I want to look Fabulously hot?  Why do I want to feel better?  I have heard many people say “You need to know your why”  so I feel like I should make my why clear.

  • Because I do not want to have the doctor tell me “your obese” um..no shit!
  • Because my blood pressure medication puts me to sleep and I don’t want to take it anymore.
  • I want to bend over and tie my shoes without passing out.
  • I want to look in the mirror and be happy with my reflection.
  • I want to live my life not watch it pass by.
  • I hate the fact that my 56 year old hot Mom is in better shape than me!
  • I want to meet my future grandchildren, someday waaay in my future and be a part of their lives for long enough to annoy them 🙂
  • I want to stand out in a crowd for all of the right reasons.
  • I want to feel and look healthy.
  • I want to uncover my inner fabulousness!

This list could go on, but I think it is a good start.  Really uncovering your why is supposed to be empowering so this better make me super powerful!

Empowered Shannon


Filed under Fabulous thoughts of Shannon


“The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating – in work, in play, in love.  The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation.  To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.” – Anne Morriss


Okay, so that is what my Starbucks cup says.  I couldn’t agree more.  This has been the easiest health/weightloss journey I have ever began.  Why?  Commitment… I am commited to changing for the better!  I am committed to choosing healthy foods, eating for fuel and exercising.  Having this commitment is what is going to be the difference in this diet, and knowing Shannon is counting on me and all of you are watching to see how I am doing. 

I still am tempted to slip into old habits, but I am commited to make a difference in my life and I am excited to see the results. 

I just wish the results didn’t take so long… Seriously… it has been 12 days already!


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