Daily Archives: May 5, 2009

True Colors

When I talked to Angie on the phone this morning as usual about our song of the day and she said True Colors by Cindi Lauper, I didn’t immediately fall in love with the idea. When I can personally relate to something that everyone considers “old” I don’t usually jump all over it. So I got online and found the song, when I listened to it I knew right away that it had to be the song of the day. So thanks Angie for putting me back in the 80’s.
However the reason I chose it as today’s post as well, is because I was on twitter with Josh a.k.a. BladeLOL, if you are not following him you need to be, he rocks! He has been inspiring to me from day 1 on here and I want to tell you a little about him. What first intrigued me was that he has lost 250 pounds. Now when you see a workout maniac superman who eats everything right telling you they lost 250 pounds its like wow, cool but you really can’t picture it. This morning we are talking back and forth on twitter and he sends a before picture of himself. All I can say is WOW! It really hit me as I was looking at the picture what he has had to do to be at the place he is right now. Obviously he looks different, but is he the same person as he was before? Some people will lose weight and say they are the exact same, some will lose it and everyone else will say they have changed. This is where True Colors comes into play in my mind.
It made me think about what if I would have met him in a crowd in his before form? Would he be as funny, helpful and outgoing as he is today in his after form? I know more than anyone that there is a difference between me fat and me healthy. I am happier when I feel healthy and I fit into my clothes. I talk to people more, I dare to try things that I would never do when I am fat. When I am fat I hold back, use the swear word “can’t” way to much and seclude myself as much as possible.

I guess what I am getting at is that we limit ourselves and our abilities by being overweight. We don’t let our True Colors shine through. Does that change who we are? Maybe a little but change is always good when it is for the better. No matter how our outside appearance may look to others, our hearts do not change. We have strengths they just magnify themselves when we are in a positive place. So today take a step in a positive direction and let yourself shine!

A Shiney Shannon

To find out how Josh has done this check out his blog: http://onedayillbestrong.wordpress.com/





Filed under Diet Buddy, Fabulous Friend Spotlights, Fabulous thoughts of Shannon

Fabulous song of the Day…True Colors

Our fabulous song of the day is True Colors by Cindi Lauper.  We have added a side bar vodpod, it will have our song of the day everyday!

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Filed under Motivational Songs

I am doing this for me!

When you begin living your life fully from the deepest place within you and loving who you are, all things will change for the better.” – Gena Livings just posted this on Twitter.  She seriously has the best posts, if you are not following her you should, they always motivate and inspire me.


I love this!  I believe that I need to learn to love myself enough to make healthy choices for me.  In other words I shouldn’t have the mind set that I need to exercise or eat healthy so I can by thin and feel good about myself, but I need to feel good enough about myself to exercise and eat right. 

I am setting some goals for the week to help me achieve this mind set:

  1. I am going to go to bed early enough to get a full 8 hours of sleep.  (This one is going to be the toughest!)
  2. I am going to get out of bed by 6:30 so I can exercise in the morning.
  3. I am going to take the time to prepare lunch/snacks to take to work.
  4. I am going to take time to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors.
  5. I am going to breath deep full breaths and accept life as it is each day, enjoying each moment.

Wow, I already feel more peace.  Lately my life has been crazy busy stress and each moment is jam packed with 50+ things to do.  Life is not about running the fastest or accomplishing the most each day.  It is about enjoying each moment, appreciating every oppurtunity presented to you and making the most of it.  This is what I am working on this week.  I know I have had a caotic energy lately and that is going to shift into an energy of serenity and peace.  Big things are happening in my life right now and I am so excited… I just need to remember to breath and take time to take care of myself.

It feels so good to put it out there that I am taking care of myself because I derserve it… so much better than I want to lose weight because I am soo fat!

Okay… I gotta get to bed because I have 5 minutes to make my goal! (Breahting and not stressing about my goal… or at least trying!)


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Filed under Fabulous thoughts of Angie